All About Vata, Pitta, & Kapha
Tridoshas Guide: Explore All About Vata, Pitta, & Kapha
What comes to mind when someone spells “the oldest healing science”! It’s Ayurveda. Here “Ayur” stands for “life” and “Veda” stands for “Knowledge or Science”. Ayurveda scholars all around the globe had derived three types of energy present (dosha) in every individual. They are “Vata”, “Pitta” and “Kapha”.
When sperm fertilizes ova eggs, the embryological process begins. Since the commencement of the process all three doshas vata, pitta, and kapha get introduced. These three doshas remain present throughout one’s life. In Ayurveda, to maintain body balance, one’s body, mind, and consciousness shall work together. Moreover, balance is the natural order, whereas imbalance is disorder. Similarly, health is the natural order, whereas disease is disorder. Whenever any kind of disorder takes place it is a must to create the balance of the body again for well-being.
The study of Ayurveda makes one understand “How to re-establish or create the balance of the body?”. As we all have unique fingerprints! Similarly, the pattern of energy and the combination of dosha vata, pitta, and kapha is also differently defined as “constitution”. Once you’re aware of the nature and structure of these energy systems, you can easily re-establish order.
Stabilizing the Three Principle Energies (Dosha) of the Body
Every function of the body requires energy for completion. Whether it's movement, lubrication, or metabolism. With the help of energy fluids and nutrients get to the cells to perform body movement. Energy also metabolizes the several nutrients of the body to the cells that further maintain the cell structure. Though everybody has these three basic principle energies, one of these is usually primary, while the other two are secondary or tertiary respectively.
Vata dosha is the energy of the movement.
Pitta dosha is the energy of metabolism or digestion.
Kapha dosha is the energy of body structure and lubrication.
According to Ayurveda, the entire composition of principle energies (dosha) is reciprocity of the ultimate five elements - Space (Akasha), Air (Vayu), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni), & Earth (Prithvi).
Vata - Subtle Energy Associated with Movement
It is composed of the elements Space & Air. The main function is to stimulate breathing, muscle movement, tissue movement, the beat of the heart, and more. When vata is in order, it enhances brain activities and flexibility; in disorder, it produces anxiety, fear, and impatience.
Pitta - Body’s Metabolic System
It is composed of the elements Fire & Water. The main function is to stimulate digestion, metabolism, nutrition, body temperature, and more. When pitta is in order, it enhances intelligence and mutual understanding; in disorder, it produces hatred, jealousy, and anger.
Kapha - Body’ Structure & Lubrication
It is composed of the elements Earth & Water. The main function is to stimulate the growth of bones, muscles, tendons, “Glue” holding cells, skin, and more. When kapha is in order, it enhances love, forgiveness, and calmness; in disorder, it produces envy and greed.
Ayurveda - The System Of Healing
One must know the difference between Ayurveda and Allopathy. Talking about allopathy it works in symptomatology and disease. It uses various surgeries and drugs to cure the disease. Ayurveda doesn’t focus on the disease, instead, it focuses on balancing energy and doshas. This prepares the body to build a natural defense system to defend against any kind of disorder. Many times we feel discomfort and rush to the doctors without recognition of the disease. This gives us a notice regarding the disorder. Thus, we start taking alternative measures and seek a way to re-establish a balance of our mind, body, and consciousness.
Taking you a step ahead! Ayurveda has already developed vivid techniques for vivid disorders. At first, the practitioner carefully examines and studies the type of disorder you are suffering from. The diagnosis is conducted through observation, questioning, and physical checkup. After then, the practitioner suggests lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and usage of herbs/shrubs. All this helps to remove toxins which leads to eliminating or managing the cause of imbalance. There is a vast application of Ayurveda for each individual.
Now, let’s discuss dietary considerations and the balancing ways of these doshas.
As discussed earlier, vata is responsible for stimulating motion for all body processes. The doctor says “Vata commands over Pitta & Kapha”. A person blessed with this principle energy is creative, flexible, and quick. They walk, talk, and think fast, also they grasp fast and forget easily. Their constitution can also be balanced with the intake of warm and cooked food. Cold food may lead to imbalance. At the time of disorder, these people may face diseases related to the air like asthma, arthritis, mental confusion, emphysema, et cetera. Excess in qualities like cold, subtle, mobile and clear, and light can cause imbalance. Additionally, alcohol, sugar, drugs, and frequent travel may also cause imbalance.
Many researchers and scholars say, “Lipozene enzyme present in the human brain is Vata”. Hence it is not proved yet, but the controversy is on!
Diet Considerations
- To Eat:
- Warm and soft food
- Well-cooked oats and rice
- Cooked vegetables - Potatoes, Eggplants, Tomatoes
- Fruits - Berries, Bananas, Peaches
- To Avoid:
- Cold and dried food
- Raw vegetables
- Dried fruits
- Cold desserts and sweets
Balancing Guidelines
- Get plenty of rest (almost 8-10 hours a day)
- Try to put yourself into a routine
- Keep yourself warm and calm
- Avoid cold places
- Avoid cold, frozen, and raw food
People with pitta dosha are penetrating, agitating, and sharp as Fire. Sometimes they may turn short-tempered and over agitated. Usually, their body type is medium height and their skin is warm and less wrinkled. Moreover, these types have a concern related to hair. The constitution is molded in a way that enhances digestion, metabolism, and appetites. Pitta people are kind of “foody”, they love to eat more especially hot spices and also they love to have cold drinks. They have the personality of a leader and a planner because of their good intelligence. Excess in qualities like light, mobile, dispersing and liquid, oily, et cetera can cause imbalance. This imbalance makes them jealous, hateful, and angry. Also, Pitta dosha may introduce diseases like fever, jaundice, ulcerations, irritations, et cetera.
Pitta is referred to as “Chhariya Tatva & Agni Tatva of the human body”, says Doctor.
Diet Considerations
- To Eat:
- Light food i.e. easily digestible
- Non-starching vegetables
- Cold and sweet food
- Energizing food
- Vegetarianism is best
- To Avoid:
- Heavy fatty food i.e. easily non-digestible
- Hot spices
- Sour foods
- Potatoes
Balancing Guidelines
- Avoid excessive heat and warm places
- Doesn’t require more sleeping hours
- Try to consume less oily and less fatty food
- Don’t expose to steam areas
- Limit the intake of salt
- Highly avoid - Coffee, Alcohol, Tobacco
- Choose the cooler part of the day for exercise purposes
People with kapha dosha encompass high strength, stamina, and endurance. These types have loving and sweet dispositions. Furthermore, they are deemed to be more grounded and stable. Their body structure includes oily and smooth skin, thick muscles, thick lashes and brows, and more. The constitution lies in bitter, styptic, and pungent tastes. When imbalanced it may cause diseases like sinus congestion, flu, and mucous diseases. One may also experience attachment, envy, possessiveness, and envy. Also, one with kapha dosha has water retention and headaches concerns.
In fact, “Kapha is a mucus substance”, says Doctor.
Diet Considerations
- To Eat:
- Spicy and acidic food
- Filling food
- Barley, rice, and corns
- Nuts and seeds
- Hot spices
- To Avoid:
- Heavy fatty foods i.e. easily non-digestible
- Processed foods
- Sweets and dairy products
Balancing Guidelines
- Keep your routine varying for better performance
- Avoid oily foods
- Try avoiding naps as much as possible
- Be active and do plenty of exercises daily
Take Away
Vata dosha, Pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha are the main source of energy and well-being in your body. Therefore, to attain appropriate body balance and health targets; it is a must that your body, mind, and consciousness work together apparently. As discussed, to put all the things in-line, you’ve to follow a specific diet along with the exercise and balancing guidelines.
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महोदय, त्रिदोष को सम रखने का आपने कोई उत्पाद निर्माण किया है। जानकारी दें। धन्यवाद आपका।
महोदय, त्रिदोष को हम रखने का आपने कोई उत्पाद निर्माण किया है। जानकारी दें। धन्यवाद आपका।
What do we do in Tri dosha?? Pls tell something about tridosha.
Which tablet we eat for tri dosh .
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