Nirgundi - 7 Incredible Health Benefits

Nirgundi - 7 Incredible Health Benefits

Nirgundi - 7 Incredible Health Benefits

A gem from Ayurveda - Nirgundi

A common ingredient in many Ayurvedic preparations, Nirgundi, is a versatile herb. The Nirgundi plant is known as five-leaved chaste in English and Sambhalu in Hindi. Its botanical name is Vitex negundo and it belongs to the Verbenaceae family. A natural pain reliever, nirgundi juice supports joint and bone health. Nirgundi is well-known in the medical world for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hepato-protective, and anti-convulsant properties. Here we explore 7 incredible benefits of Nirgundi also referred to as sarvaroganivarani or “the remedy for all diseases.”

A Medicinal Herb with Incredible Benefits 

A gift from Ayurdeva with fanatics rewards for human health, Nirgundi, has multiple curative traits. Nirgundi is widely used for pain management and treating headaches, inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, spleen enlargement, cold, cough, and fever. Nirgundi leaves, roots, flowers, and bark are utilized in various herbal concoctions in the form of juices, pastes, powders, and oils to cure disorders. The leaves have laxative, hypoglycaemic, antibacterial, antioxidant, anticonvulsant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Its roots find application in the management of dysentery, diarrhoea, flatulence, vomiting, colitis, colic, and fever. Overall, Nirgundi’s benefits are diverse and it is the best remedy for relieving pain, swelling, and inflammation caused by injuries. It helps in improving blood circulation and healing wounds. 

Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis 

Rheumatoid Arthritis is the term given to a group of conditions caused by inflammation of joints causing stiffness and resulting in severe pain. In Ayurveda, Rheumatoid Arthritis is called Amavata signifying the accumulation of Ama in the joints and vitiation of Vata dosha. It begins with a weak digestive fire and accumulation of Ama or toxins in the body caused by improper digestion. Nirgundi helps manage the Amavata since it has a balancing and heat properties. It increases the digestive fire in the body to enhance the digestive system. Consumption of Nirgundi can benefit those with Arthritis since it reduces swelling and relieves joint pains. Use it in various forms such as a decoction of Nirgundi leaves, paste, or oil for ailing joints. 

Pain Reliever

Nirgundi pacifies the Vata dosha with its batahara action. Fresh leaves of the plant have anti-inflammatory and pain-suppressing properties. It can be effective in controlling inflammatory reactions with its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Alleviating pain and inflammation and reducing the effect of mediators that cause inflammation. It is a powerful pain reliever for multiple conditions like sciatica, migraines, abdominal pain, menstrual cramps, etc. Joint pains due to arthritis as mentioned above can also be reduced with its regular use.

Effective for Common Infections - Fever, Cold, and Cough

Common infections such as fever, cough, and cold impact our immunity. Ayurvedic remedies to tackle these infections can be highly effective and boost immunity. Nirgundi aids in reducing high body temperatures and fights infections with its natural antibiotic characteristics and rich Vitamin C content. Consuming Nirgundi leaves boiled in water and filtered can provide instant relief from fever. Cough is referred to as Kapha in Ayurveda and the formation and accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract is responsible for the cough. Nirgundi can prevent and offer relief from cough by assisting in the easy passage of the accumulated mucus due to its Kapha balancing and heat properties. 

Managing Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition when the pancreas cannot produce an adequate amount of insulin or the body cannot utilize the insulin produced properly. Ayurveda refers to this as the imbalance of Vata and Kapha dosha implying disturbance in the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. Nirgundi has antioxidant properties and helps improve blood glucose and insulin levels. It can be effective in managing diabetes due to its proven anti-hyperglycemic effects. Nirgundi promotes the secretion of insulin due to its bitter and balancing properties according to Ayurveda.

Epilepsy Treatment

Epilepsy patients experience seizures and jerky movements of body parts and may lose consciousness. Ayurveda refers to it as Apasmara and involves all three doshas, viz, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and more particularly the Vata dosha that affects the nerves. Nirgundi has neuroprotective properties as it is enriched with phytonutrients including polyphenols, alkaloids, and organic steroids. The neuroprotective properties aid in regulating nerve signals from the brain and smooth relaying of sensory signals like the perception of touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound. Nirgundi consists of antispasmodic constituents that assist in controlling abrupt muscular motions and seizures. Due to its memory-promoting and antispasmodic traits, Nirgundi mitigates incapacitating symptoms of epilepsy and has proven to be an effective treatment.

Premature Greying of Hair

Premature greying occurs due to many reasons such as hereditary, environmental factors, nutritional deficiency, etc. Ayurveda considers it as an imbalance of Kapha dosha. The multi-talented herb Nirgundi with revitalizing antioxidants such as flavonoids and terpenoids, and essential Vitamins including Vitamin C and Vitamin E help in maintaining good hair quality and preventing grey hair. It possesses Kapha balancing and Keshya, i.e. hair tonic properties. The application of Nirgundi oil on the scalp and from root to tip prevents greying and enhances hair quality. Intense massage allows the oil to penetrate deeper and rejuvenates the tresses with its “Keshya” properties fortifying texture and strength and providing wholesome nourishment to the roots. Thus, the early onset of grey hair can be avoided and Nirgundi can be helpful in maintaining long, lustrous, and voluminous hair. 

Home Remedies

Nirgundi has been effective in simple home remedies to treat joint pain and swelling, asthma and cough, wash wounds and ulcers, as well as nasal discharge and polyps. Nirgundi leaves are used to make a paste that can be applied to areas of swelling or joints for alleviating pain and reducing swelling significantly. A decoction of the leaves pacifies throat irritation and cough and is helpful for asthma treatment too. This decoction is also used to wash wounds since it assists in purification and quick healing of the wounds. Nirgundi in powdered form is administered for curing disorders of the nasal passages, such as rhinitis and nasal polyps. Nirgundi leaf oil is a powerful analgesic and possesses anti-inflammatory properties that qualify it as a potent pain reliever.

Using Nirgundi - One Herb Many Remedies

The multi-faceted Nirgundi is primarily used to treat arthritis, joint pains, muscle stiffness, and heal wounds. A natural remedy for body ache, Nirgundi possess magical healing properties and it has external applications to relieve pain, cleanse wounds, and promote healing. Fomentation with the leaf is effective in treating headaches, joint pains, and arthritic pain. Its decoction is used for treating ulcers, throat pains, lower abdominal pain, and several inflammations. It is also used in medicines to treat anxiety and depression due to its anxiolytic properties. Some ayurvedic herbs can interact with allopathic medications and care must be taken while consuming them together. 

Different systems of the human body benefit from this miraculous Ayurvedic herb. It is known for improving intellect and brain function with a positive effect on the nervous system. Blessed with carminative properties, Nirgundi stimulates the liver and the digestive system. It helps reduce odema and promotes the health of the circulatory system. Cough and lung infections can be treated and prevented by reducing the Kapha dosha with the Kapha balancing characteristics of Nirgundi thereby benefiting the respiratory system. There are many other benefits such as increased urine production for the excretory system, rejuvenating body strength, improved eyesight, and curing skin problems like itching, boils, etc.

Consult your physician and consume Nirgundi orally in any of the forms mentioned below:

Nirgundi Juice

Mix 30ml Nirgundi juice or as directed by your physician with warm water. Consume it on an empty stomach in the morning or after dinner. 

Nirgundi Powder

Take 3-6 grams of Nirgundi powder or as directed by your physician and consume it with warm water. 

Nirgundi Capsules

Take one capsule twice a day after meals or as prescribed by your physician. 

External use of Nirgundi can be done as

Nirgundi Oil

Few drops of the oil can be used with a cotton swab to massage affected areas or joints. It can be washed after ten to fifteen minutes and used before a bath every day.

Nirgundi Paste

Apply a paste of crushed Nirgundi leaves with a few drops of water to cure joint pains, muscle aches, and headaches.

Nirgundi Leaf Fumes

Dry leaves can be burnt and the fumes can help cure headaches.

Ayurveda’s Gift - Nirgundi 

An effective pain reliever for treating chronic and acute pain, Nirgundi gives relief for back pain, lower back pain, knee pain, and muscle aches. It is used for treating joint pains such as arthritis and is an effective remedy for migraines. True to its name, it is a multi-talented herb that assists in treating bruises, sprains, and strains. The Nirgundi plant has been used for centuries to treat several ailments in home remedies, Ayurvedic preparations, and medicines. Nirgundi uses also include diabetes management by improving insulin levels, and healing ailments like asthma, muscle spasms, and anxiety. A unique and versatile ayurvedic herb that is used for both external application and internal consumption, Nirgundi can treat arthritis and provide relief from cramps. It confers holistic healing benefits, enhancing physical and mental wellness. Explore the incredible benefits of this powerful herb that is a gift from Ayurveda to mankind.

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